10 African Presidents With Most Expensive Jets. Uhuru’s Plane Dwarfed By Mugabe’s Luxurious Boeing (Photos)

Of all 54 countries in Africa, Kenya has scooped a spot amongst top ten high flying leaders in the continent. Unye’s jet is superior to at least 46 other Presidential jets in Africa!

The Presidential jet (Uhuru’s) was struck by controversy when it failed to deliver Uhuru to Dubai where was supposed to connect a commercial flight from Dubai and subsequently fly to LA for the 2015 Milken Institute Global Conference. (A lot of stories have since sprung up to explain the fiasco.)

But make no mistake of underrating the Dutch-made Fokker 70 plane, the Presidential jet is highly rated in the continent.

The 20-year-old customized plane has a range of 2,710 km with room for 25 passengers. It didn’t come cheap neither, the state had to part with approximately Kes 1.9 billion to buy the President the jet.

Oh! Before I forget, Uhuru’s Fokker 70 was ranked 8th amongst top ten most expensive presidential jets in Africa.

Now if you think Unye’s jet is the ultimate piece of luxury, wait till you see Uncle Bob’s jet. Mugabe’s Boeing 767 cost Zimbabwean tax payer a staggering Kes 38.5 billion. It’s big, it’s faster and it’s the most luxurious Presidential craft in Sub-Saharan Africa. One African leader couldn’t allow Mugabe to carry the day!

The King of Morocco is the main man! He cruises on Boeing 747, the largest flying commercial plane on the sky, sorry I forgot Airbus A380 is now operational. Boeing 747 is the second largest.

His plane…



Only the likes of Obama and Chinese President, Xi Jinping, use Boeing 747 as their Presidential jets. To comprehend how big the plane is, wait until June when Air Force One touches down at JKIA, if you will be lucky enough to be at the airport, then you will understand what am talking about when I say the King Of Morocco is the king of African skies.

See the full list below:

1. Morocco (Boeing 747)


2. Zimbabwe (Boeing 767)


3. Nigeria (Boeing 737)


4. Algeria (A340-501)


5. Libya



6. Egypt (Airbus A340)


7. Ghana (Falcon 900 Ex Easy)


8. Kenya (Fokker 70)


9. South Africa (C130)


10. Angola (Embraer ERS-135)


Credit: Africa Cradle


About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere