Humiliated To Death: Girl Commits Suicide By Jumping Into Pit Latrine After Teacher Read Love Messages to Students (Photo+Video)

A somber mood engulfed a school in Nyamira yesterday when a form three girl committed suicide by jumping into a pit latrine after what many say is humiliation by a teacher.

Judy Nyanchama Mercy of Marindi High School committed suicide after her teacher confiscated her phone and loudly read her love messages in front of the students’ assembly.

Other students say that this must have greatly embarrassed the student who went on to jump into the pit latrine, killing herself instantly.

The school matron has, however, denied that the teacher read the text messages out loud leading to the student committing suicide.

Most Kenyan schools discourage use phones by students within school compounds and this is another incident which puts on the spotlight some of the stringent rules governing the conduct of students in institutions. 

Video courtesy: NTV


About this writer:

Edward Chweya