Laura Oyier In Court Again Despite Radio Africa Saying They Cleared Her Intercontinental Hotel Bills (Photo Evidence)

Controversial serial bill defaulter Laura Oyier is a woman under siege despite one of the biggest media houses in Kenya claiming to have bailed her out when she was arraigned in court for failing to clear her bills at the Hotel Intercontinental.

It was on the Valentine’s Day when Laura Oyier hit headlines for failing to pay Kshs.230,000 accrued after she spent her holiday in the posh hotel in the heart of the capital.

Laura appeared in court with make-up that caused noise in the court room and a face that looked more bleached than it should be.

It was at this time that Radio Africa Group, owners of Kiss 100, Classic 105, Radio Jambo, Kiss TV among other media outlets, through its Chief Marketing Officer, Caroline Mutoko, came out to tell the world how they had helped Laura clear the bill.

It was also rumoured that they had offered her a job but alas! It was a lie.

Read HERE.

But as things are turning out, it is now evident that Laura is a regular visitor to Milimani Law Courts. This morning the controversial owner of a fashionline selling water at Kshs.800 per bottle was spotted by one of Ghafla! Kenya members at the Milimani Law Courts corridors, ready to appear in court over what is believed to be the bill.


Laura seemingly looked dejected and it seems the case is dragging her into more and more misery.

The question is: Did Radio Africa Group lie to Kenyans they had bailed Laura Oyier? Did she launch her Kshs.800 water to help her raise the money for the bill? Was Radio Africa using her for their own benefits?


About this writer:

Edward Chweya