You Wont Believe What Nigeria President Muhammad Buhari Did To A Kenyan Journalist

We all know Nigeria and its people have a new president after peaceful elections went down early this year. Muhammad Buhari managed to topple incumbent Goodluck Jonathan from his seat, surprising many who did not see this coming.

But behind this successful win was our own public relations guru Cynthia Nyamai.

Through her PR firm Cynthia Nyamai Communications, the former journalist managed to amass enough support for Buhari who went on to win unopposed.

And after being sworn in as President, Buhari has rewarded Nyamai for her efforts.

The Nigeria government sent Nyamai a recommendation letter, telling how she is a genius in her profession and that anyone who wants to win should look for her services.

Perhaps this explains why Tanzania’s January Makambi has sought for her services as he runs for president in the coming general elections.

Here is the letter that everyone is talking about:



About this writer:

Edward Chweya