Angela Angwenyi Reveals Why She Left Radio… But Her Next Stop Will Leave You Perplexed


10 years behind the microphones on different radio stations in the country is no mean feat brethren. Angela Angwenyi, one of the finest voices on our gadgets, knows this too well. And because of this, it is time to hang up her media boots… but not for good!.

The celebrated radio princess who now qualifies as a radio queen finally called it a day at Nation FM and radio in general when she did her last show on Friday morning.

Love flew from all corners of the republic, with many congratulating her for the milestone while others lamented that one of their best radio personalities was leaving them in an exposed environment favouring predators (read Senator Boni Khalwale).

Well, for me, I remember as I grew up I used to have these media idols that I so worshipped and who made me love media from the word go. I would cry when they left for another station or quit altogether. When KBC’s Bill Omalla passed on several years ago, my mother and father know how devastated I was. I cried uncontrollably and this is when they knew how passionate I was about this media tings. They encouraged me to pursue journalism. So I did.

Back to the Angela Angwenyi story. For her, she became my idol for two reasons. First, she is this woman who has a good command of the queen’s language and a voice that could course a traffic snarl up.

Second, we happen to come from the same village. I know she doesn’t know this and probably the village itself. Angela you should consider visiting that place and see how things are. So you could imagine that feeling when one of your own is the most listened to person in Kenya.

 Forgot the ‘kujichocha’ though.


As Angela quit radio, we have all been wondering where she is going next. Another radio station? TV? Print? Corporate World? Where is Angela headed.

Thank God we did not question ourselves for too long because on the very material day that she left radio, Angela was on the Trend and it was here that she revealed her next stop.

Well, she is not going to any radio station but she has revealed that nobody knows if she is considering TV and/or music. So the two are possibilities.

The other thing that Angela is likely to venture into is politics. This comes a distant further but never rule it out. One of this fine days you will come to know this.

Here is what she told Larry Madowo:


About this writer:

Edward Chweya