Bizarre: Man Sets Himself On Fire After Wife Left Him (Photo)


A man in Siaya is nursing severe injuries in hospital after setting himself on fire following a love affair that turned sour and unpalatable.

Ouma Khalwale of Olara Village in Alego Usonga is said to have set himself on fire after returning home only to realize his wife had left with all children and belongings without his knowledge, reports Citizen TV.

The jilted man couldn’t hold himself back. He set out, got some petrol and smeared himself with it and set his own self on fire.


According to Citizen TV, Ouma couldn’t, however, bear with the pain he underwent and this forced him to roll on the flour as the fire ate away his flesh.

It was the neighbours who rushed to the scene, put off the fire and rushed Ouma to the hospital.

Unfortunately, much trouble awaits him as he is likely to face attempted suicide charges.


About this writer:

Edward Chweya