Shock:Kenyan Man Who Transitioned Into A Woman Shares More Photos Of Her New Look.

You can now inter the name Jaffar Jackson. She is no longer Jaffar, that ship ladies and gentlemen  has long since, set sail. Jaffar Jackson the has been replaced by a fashionable version of herself now going with the name Ms Jay. Refer to Caityln Jenner and the shenanigans thereof. 

 Ms Jay is now to be seen, in the distinguished company of her handbag, scarlet stilettos and  marc lipstick, nonplussed at the buzz that is her Facebook account.  Her transition comes a week before the visit of POTUS, a visit that clergy and clerics all over  the country have vowed to criticize if it touches on the gay Agenda. 

Check out Ms Jay Below: 

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T. Magu