What Obama Told President Uhuru About His Wife Margaret
Obama was here over the weekend and left us with so much optimism after captivating the nation with his oratory skills and a message of hope.
He talked extensively about Kenya and its people, and how we can all make our country the heaven on earth that we so crave.
But POTUS did not leave his host, President Uhuru Kenyatta, without a word about Margaret Kenyatta. The US leader seems to have our history at hand and one of the things he knows very well is the charity marathon that first lady Margaret Kenyatta holds to collect funds for her Beyond Zero campaign.
It is a campaign that has earned the first lady massive plaudits from all quarters. Even haters have nothing to say against her.
And while he delivered his last speech on Kenyan soil on Sunday, Obama acknowledged efforts made by Margaret, and urged President Uhuru Kenyatta to start running with his wife.
Check out what he said here: