Uhuru Kenyatta Angers Americans But Becomes A Hero Back Home. This Is What He Did To Obama


President Uhuru Kenyatta is the subject of discussion globally after hosting the most powerful man on earth despite statements made by white house prior to the 2013 general elections. Real Choices Have Consequences.

But what has cast the Kenyan President further into the limelight is not the hospitality he accorded Obama but rather what he told him before the face of the world when the two addressed journalists at State House.

As the two Presidents answered questions from journalists, a foreign journalist posed the question on homosexuality and what the two leaders thought about the same.

While Obama maintained that homosexuals should be allowed to do their things because it is their right to choose whom they want, President Uhuru told him on his face that there is no room for such practices in Kenya.

He told him that while Kenya and America share so many things in common, Homosexuality is a non-issue to Kenyans and so no one was willing to accept it.

obama and kenyatta

Homosexuals in Kenya face up to 14 years in jail if found guilty.

President Uhuru’s sentiments did not auger well with majority of the Western countries though.

Articles in some of the western media channels were clearly partisan on how they reported this matter. While that is the case in the west, the President has remained a hero in Kenya. The church has come out to praise President Uhuru for standing firm on matters homosexuality.

It can be remembered that the church, politicians and other groups had warned Obama against discussing homosexuality in Kenya.

South Africa is the only country in Africa that has allowed the practice of homosexuality.


About this writer:

Edward Chweya