NTV Siren Responds To CNN After Referring To Kenya As A Terror Hotbed

Cable News Network (CNN) has come under heavy criticism today following a headline they ran calling Kenya a terror hotbed.

The blatant mockery of Kenya has put the American TV station on the spotlight, with Kenyans literally getting annoyed with the undermining shown from America.

This comes a day before President Barack Obama visits Kenya and CNN’s message was aimed at warning that where their president is coming is not safe at all.

This has elicited angry reactions from Kenyans on social media.

The latest to express her disgust at the disparaging remarks by a respected international media house is NTV’s Kobi Kihara.

Through her social media account, Kobi has blasted CNN, saying that the news was poorly researched and dictated by the stereotype whites have towards Africa and its people.

She said:

kobi kihara



About this writer:

Edward Chweya