Ben Kitilis Wife Shares A Lovely Poem That Her Father In law Wrote To Her!
I don’t know if it is just me or does everyone here like Poetry? Now, a little Education back in the day taught me that the best way to channel and express feelings is by writing them down, neatly in a poem. No?
Ben Kitili is undoubtedly one of the most popular Tv personalities in Kenya as we speak, but just like the other ladies man, Mark Masai, he is taken- the “they have a baby together” kind of taken.
Two weeks ago, Ben brought his Wife home, to spend a lifetime with him. His Dad, wrote a totally heartrending poem to welcome his daughter in law home. It read :
Darling of my son
Ben’s chosen flower
Welcome you into this
This great homestead
Welcome home Amina.
With glamour and humility
I say unto you together with the kid
That beautiful little lamb
Welcome home Amina
Take this gift that
your dad has yoked
Into that neck of yours
for your graduation ceremony
Welcome Home Amina
As the figure head of
this great household
I bless the pair of you
may God give you a boy-child
Welcome home Amina
I wish to pen off dear
your parents-in-law
have accepted you
do feel assimilated
Welcome home Amina.