How A Little Determined Girl Rose From A Little Reporter In Embu To Working In An International Media House! #Kukachora

After college,Stella didn’t quite warm up to the idea that now,after four years studying Mass Communications at MKU Campus,she had to settle for some errands girl attached to the Kenya News Agency(KNA) to gather local news around her hometown in Embu.

Stella had this lofty idea of where she was destined to be once she’d graduated… She saw herself sitting in some glitzy studio,surrounded by a glam squad,smelling nice and sitting on a comfy chair ready to read news for the Nation at 9pm. But that was all a dream.

Instead of ending up at KTN or NTV or maybe Hurlingam-based Citizen TV to either be a reporter or the next Julie Gichuru, Stella was quickly reduced to some local news girl whose duties included running around local events,accident scenes,political harambees and in some mundane events to cover news for KNA. She didn’t even have a salary… But still,Stella stuck through it all. And,even when demotivated and poorly remunerated,she still did the dirty work as a small,dusty town reporter. She knew she needed the experience. And knew that the KNA engagement,though it was all shoddy and unglamorous and penniless,would elevate her to the status that she always wanted. And make her a TV star like the ones she grew up idolizing.

And today,after a three-year stint at a popular National TV station,Stella was spotted and hired by Al Jazeera; The Arab World’s biggest 24-hour news channel. Stella is based in Nairobi and she’s Al Jazeera’s lead correspondent in Kenya. Well,after two years working at KNA in Embu,stella’s patience finally paid off. And Stella is the best example that YOU DO NOT need to start big. Or end up in swanky offices immediately after campus. Graduation alone isn’t enough. You need experience too. Papers alone aren’t enough. You need to start small. Just like Stella did. She was smart. And look where she is now. Enyewe kitu ni #Kukachora. Be smart. And plan your post-college life. Kama Stella.

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Cabu Gah