Isn’t This Man Just Funny! After Insulting Luos, Mutahi Ngunyi Nows Wants To Settle In Luo’s Capital, Kisumu, When He Retires

Tyranny of number’s, Mutahi Ngunyi, has made it known he harbors no ill feelings towards folks from the Lake Region. And just to prove his words, he plans to settle in Luo’s capital city when he retires.

Mutahi got into a brawl with Luos after he hurled itchy words that were deemed as hybrid ethnic slur against brothers and sisters from Nyanza.

The controversial Political Analyst however offered a whole-hearted apology to Luo people after LSK wrote to the NCIC to probe and charge him.

Also Read: Reactions After Mutahi Ngunyi’s Apology To The Luo Community

In a new twist of event, Mutahi now wants to settle in the Lakeside City of Kisumu, a hotbed of everything Luo.

In a conversation Mutahi had with the Nairobian, the analyst said he had nothing against Luos adding that Raila was his problem.

Mutahi seems to be keen to settle in Kisumu, he even said he is ready to face Luo Council of Elders with a goat to seek forgiveness.

“I want to spend my retirement years in Kisumu, having intellectual discourse with Luo professors, many, who have been my mentors. If I retired and went to Nyeri, I won’t have any intellectual conversations because everybody will be discussing land and cattle.”

But is Mutahi too naïve? I mean Kisumians worship Raila, how do you plan to settle in a city where the man you have a beef with is the king???

Credit: The Nairobian

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Martin Oduor

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