5 Reasons Why Mutahi Ngunyi,The Kikuyu Political Analyst,Should Be The Last To Comment On Luo Matters. Or Raila Odinga.

Mutahi Ngunyi is never afraid to catch flak. Or raise so much hell and still not eat the humble pie… Although he just did after the very disparaging remarks he made about a whole community. The Luo community. He’s skilled in stirring up the Hornet’s nest. And sitting back to watch the bees wreck havoc. Gleefully.

Mutahi is one of the most visible and outspoken Kenyan political scientists. I wouldn’t say he’s one of the best political scientists because; 1) I don’t know him that well and 2) I don’t know any other political scientist. But sure,he’s quite vocal,witty and memorable. And methinks,he loves attention and stirring up controversies just for the heck of it.

Many Kenyans remember Mutahi as the chair-swinging,spectacle-clad,hard-faced hair raiser who is the ultimate go-to person whenever our media,full of-and run by-hero worshipers want a political explanation of any phenomena.

Also,he’s legendary for conjuring up that gem of a word ‘Tyranny of Numbers’.

Mutahi,to me,appears like a smart,intelligent boy with quite a sharp wit and very wonderful grasp of the anatomy of politics. He also does come cross as domineering,mischievous,conniving and rather conceited to me. And I could be right.

From all his TV appearances,where he’s almost always shown in his immaculate office,stacked with hundreds of books he probably have never even read,Mutahi appears to be a man so sure of himself. And he does sound like he wants to be treated as the Ultimate opinion on any thing political. Thankfully for him,the Kenyan Media treats him as such. And his ego has never enjoyed a better massage.

Not quite content with the 1-minute periodical TV appearances he makes,especially during The News Bulletin,Mutahi decided to shore up his troops… And migrate to that other Avenue of controversy; Twitter. And since then,he’s become some sort of expert on anything Raila. Tweeting his way into controversy day in day out. And relishing every moment (Retweet and Favorite).


Since his arrival on Twitter,official arrival that is,Mutahi has made CORD Leader Raila Odinga his pet subject. And he’s created quite a notorious name for himself by the derogatory manner in which he talks of Raila. And the very many jabs he throws at the 3-time presidential candidate.

But after realizing that the Raila tweets weren’t eliciting as much backlash as he probably wished,he now decided to bite the apple even deeper… And went for the whole Luo community. And then,all hell broke loose. Just as he wished.

But should Mutahi Ngunyi have an opinion,any opinion,on matters Luo? Is he the MOST qualified potentate to adjudicate on matters Luo? Does he have an authority to arbitrate on Luo affairs? Educate the Luo and imagine a scenario for them?

Absolutely Not. Here’s why.

1. Mutahi Is Kikuyu 
In a Country so unashamedly tribal,where all matters,political or social,are resolved and judged from a tribal prism,Mutahi,a fortunate wealthy Kikuyu,who lives on the right side of life and has not been to the trenches and slums,is the LAST person to talk on Luo Matters. And advice the Luo-or brand them-for their political decisions or economic status. Mutahi,by the virtue of his obvious tribe,will never be taken seriously by the Luos he imagines he can save from political slavery. Neither can he be taken seriously even by harmonious Kenyans of all tribes who view his notorious jabs at the Luo as tribal,divisive,mischievous and ill-advised. His tribe DOES NOT ALLOW HIM.

2. Mutahi Ngunyi Is Close To The President. And Is Said To Work For Him
All Kenyans know that Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga are bitter political foes and that Mutahi Ngunyi knows on which side of this political rivalry is his bread buttered. Mutahi is said to be a Jubilee Government operative and insider. He’s said to be close to the President and also to be his advisor. There is NO proof for this and all that could be corridor talk. Either way,Kenyans form their judgments on what they hear. Not what they know and therefore,the fact that Mutahi and Jubilee are said to be close means that,the Luo community,who gravitate towards CORD Leader Raila Odinga,will never trust Mutahi to give an honest opinion on them, CORD,it’s leader or political ideology. The Luo will always view Mutahi as a political tool to beat them and browbeat them. No matter how sincere he may be.


3. Mutahi Has A Tendency To Hurt Feelings 
He’s an accomplished political scientist (whatever that is) but still,the haphazard manner in which he dishes out his unsolicited for political advice raises questions,evokes emotions and hurts feelings. Mutahi does NOT know how to dispense wisdom without attracting controversy and insulting parties. Luos are known to be fiercely proud of themselves and very appreciative of their heritage too and any attempt to disparage them and take personal swipes at them shall always be met with anger and suspicion. Mutahi should first learn how to talk without hurting. Advice without annoying. But for now,his words are too divisive and his attacks so personal that he can singlehandedly stir up a mindless civil unrest just by a reckless tweet in such a politically volatile nation.

4. Raila CANNOT BE BLAMED For His Political Tactics… 
Every politician has tact. And every leader has a way to keep his followers with him and to make his supporters remain loyal. Raila’s smart political maneuvers,even though they’ve never earned him the Presidency,cannot now be the reason a community lives in ‘poverty’. Mutahi should know that a Kibaki presidency did nothing for the masses of poor youths dying of illicit alcohol across Nyeri. Raila has,time and again,proved that he’s a national politician. And 2007 proved that ALL communities,except one,were behind his bid for presidency and so,He cannot be merely reduced into a Luo demagogue. Just because the Luo fiercely support him. His politics DOES NOT create poverty. Poor Governance does. And we all know Raila Odinga has never been President anyway.

5. Mutahi Ngunyi Is Becoming A Politicized Opinion Maker Anway
While Kenyans love and welcome Mutahi’s many political hypotheses,he has,time and again,especially now on Twitter,where he’s becoming some sort of firebrand opinion legend,proven that his views are based NOT on his scholarly understanding on social politics but on the divisive politics of the day. Mutahi should be dispensing his opinions from a very level-headed,non-partisan standpoint but of late, he appears to be more and more drawn into the dirty pool of the poisonous Kenyan politics and also appears to be taking sides and to be an obvious hater of CORD and Raila too. And therefore,a politician, according to the many Luos who benefit from his advice, should not even be giving advice to the other side at all. If you’re into politics,then go ahead and play the game right. Go dirty if you wish,but make it clear that yours is a political opinion. And not based on some masters degree you earned for dissecting societies and politics. The politicization of Mutahi and his brand means that he’s unwelcome to coach the Luos. Or lecture them on where to go,who to go with and why.

Mutahi’s political analyses are welcome. But they should be national. And nor aimed at one party,one personality and one tribe day in day out.

His unhealthy obsession with Raila must end.

We expect better from learned folks like him anyway.




About this writer:

Cabu Gah