Man Given Dog’s Beatings After He Was Busted Raping A Minor In Public (Photos)

It appears psychopaths are on the loose! Maybe it’s just time for men caught raping minors to be castrated, or better, to be injected with oestrogen so that they can become less harmful Caitlyn Jenners!

Cases of rape are on the rise in this country of ours, men behaving like wild animals on heat now seems to be the norm.

Every now and then you get to hear a man has raped a child, sometimes even more disturbing; a father forcing himself into his own child!

Well, another knucklehead is doing rounds on social media after he was caught pants down doing the unthinkable to a minor.

The man is said to have lured the poor girl into his trap with mere 10 bob. He was found in the act just by the fence of proposed County headquarters in Taita County.

Angry resident however didn’t spare him, they descended on him with blows and kicks that were enough to make him bleed!






About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere