Mutahi Ngunyi’s Campaign To Woo Luos Hit A Dead End!

It always sounds easy to insult someone then come eat your words, apologize and be forgiven… or somehow I thought so, just like our celebrated friend of the law, Mutahi Ngunyi.

Mutahi, under siege or something he had earlier sniffed off, came straight and called Lakeside brothers and their leader ‘poor’.

This sparked reactions of course since K’ogallo fans hate it when anyone, and I mean anyone throws an insult at ‘Baba’.

See also: Reactions After Mutahi Ngunyi’s Apology To The Luo Community

Things have now taken a different turn and the Luo elders have said they are not going to make peace with the activist’s audacity of hate, saying that he had no apparent reason for spewing hate against the community.

Ngunyi had earlier on offered a goat for a peace offering to appease the Luo elders, who have so far refused claiming that the goat could bring a bad omen to the entire fraternity.

It seems the political activist will have to personally appear before the community’s ‘ICC’ to be pronounced guilty as charged before he is forgiven.

Hope things turn out well for Ngunyi as he tries getting his witnesses!!!


About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere