This Is What The French Embassy Has Offered Boniface Mwangi In Return To The Humiliation He Suffered In Paris

The French Embassy in Nairobi has finally acknowledged Boniface Mwangi was mistreated at Paris airport and they have gone further to ‘bribe’ the Rights Activist.

A few days ago, Boniface took to the social media to narrate his predicament in France. The Activist was decrying harassment and humiliation by French authorities.

See also: Boniface Mwangi Bitterly Protests After Xenophobic French Authorities Detained Him And His Family

After spending a night on cold chairs at Paris airport, the Pawa 254 founder managed to fly back to Kenya on board the national courier.

Upon arrival, Boniface disclosed the offer the French Embassy had laid on table for him. They apologized for his ordeal in France and they want him to pay their country a visit one more time.

The French Embassy has given the Right Activist visas to France but Boniface has turned them down, not unless they foot his travel expenses of course.

He says the French should borrow a leaf from Kenya, which offered a US teen mistaken for a British terrorist, free trip to the 254 after harassing him.

Now that’s a nice apology!


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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere