What A Week! 6 Celebrated Media Personalities Quit Their Jobs In A Span Of 5 Days! (Photos)

They once graced our airwaves with their up to per talents; their melodious voices and striking beauty. But oouuww!!!! They’ve decided to bid us their byes or rather, have been forced to take a leap of faith and forge ahead to their future hustles.

The week has witnessed tremendous exits from various media houses. Whether it is downsizing or in search of better talent, Kenyans will miss the curvaceous Sheila Mwanyigga to the calm and composed Kendi Ashitava.

What in the name of God could be happening to such faces of media? How can the likes of DJ Krowbar wake up and decide to quit his greener pastures? Could it be that they are now part of the management team or have these personalities decided to merge and come up with a more powerful media house that comprises of TALENT?

Looking at the list of quitters; SanaipeiTande, CikuMuiruri, DJ Krowbar, Kendi Ashitava, AntoNeosoul and Sheila Mwanyiga, this team is capable of producing results. And they did it the various media houses they were employed before their untimely exit!

Though most of them have left their various stations with heads held high, Kenyans are of the opinion that they haven’t had enough of them and are hoping to link up sometime in the near future, God willing.

Wherever you will be sending your CVs, hope they get approved ASAP so that we do not get to forget your contributions to the industry.

All the best, it’s hard being jobless!!!




About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere