Boniface Mwangi Bitterly Protests After Xenophobic French Authorities Detained Him And His Family (Photos)
Rights Activist, Boniface Mwangi, and his family are stranded in France after French police unwarrantedly detained them.
Boniface touched down in Paris from New York to connect a flight to Nairobi. Unfortunately he missed his connection flight following delay in the US.
Air France gave Boniface and his family new tickets to fly to Nairobi via Amsterdam, the Dutch capital. But even before they could fly to Netherlands, French police detained them.
Reason being? They lacked Schengen visas (Schengen is an area comprising 26 European countries that have abolished passport and any other type of border control but non Europeans are required to have special visa that allows them to move around these countries.)
Boniface says Air France didn’t notify them of this requirement so they ended up being detained by French authorities, probably mistaken for refugees.
We understand the Syrian crisis has caused a huge influx of refugees into Europe and West European nations have been VERY reluctant to host these asylum seekers. But Boniface and his family AREN’T refugees. He only flew to France to connect a flight back home so the action by French authorities to detain them was totally uncalled for.
The Activist further revealed French police weren’t giving him space to breathe. They followed him everywhere including the bathroom.
“So three hours later in the border police unit (where I had to be escorted to use the toilet, which doesn’t lock) they gave us new boarding passes for a flight leaving tomorrow morning.” Wrote distressed Boniface.
The poor Kenyan is still locked in Paris Airport with his family because cold-hearted French police don’t give a damn about a stranded black African man traveling with his family.
“We are still stranded at the airport and now trying to find what to do with the kids sleeping at every bench and floor we stop at. French police have refused to let the airline get us a hotel or so they claim. I went back to the border police base to ask about the denial and the officer l found couldn’t even look at me. The French police may justify they’re trying to keep out illegal immigrants but the lack of empathy, understanding and zero effort in listening to us hurts. We are stranded in France not because we want to but the airline made a mistake and we the paying passengers are suffering.”