Sizzling Hot Diva Nessa Places An Open Invitation For Nairobians To Attend Her Party. Guess What Else She Is Also Offering? #Aqula
Smoking hot diva, Nissa, is inviting anybody and everybody to party with her at Natives Sports Bar and Grill along Thika Road.
You know it’s Wednesday when you hear the Nessa invites Nairobians to the most lively party that happens at Natives.
The party has been titled ‘Natives Karaoke with Aqula Vodka’. What crosses your mind when you hear Aqula?
The finest Russian vodka has been making Nairobi revelers smile big with its amazing offers. And they do it on a daily basis.
Tonight it’s Karaoke singers that will be enjoying the offer; the best and worst singers will be rewarded with a bottle of Aqula bottle.
All those who have the guts to take on the mic and croak their voice will also be honored, they will be given free Aqula cocktails.
Shy ladies you don’t have to worry, you were also remembered! There will be free Aqula cocktails for all the ladies who will show up at Natives before 11PM.
Nessa isn’t the only celebrity who will be gracing ‘Natives Karaoke with Aqula Vodka’ gig, a surprise guest, rumored to be a music bigwig, is also lined up for a performance at Natives.
Guess you just have to show up at Natives to find out who the secret A-List celebrity is.
Natives Sports Bar and Grill is located along Thika Road just past Allsops on your way to Githurai.