Movie Review: Action Lovers, You Need To Watch Vendetta! Here is Why.

For the first time WWE studios has outdone itself with the new blockbuster “Vendetta” which was released in June 2015 and stars the Big Show and Dean Cain. 

 The Vendetta is the story of  A detective pushed beyond his limits who stops at nothing for vengeance. When his wife is killed by a criminal that he put away, Mason, a hard-nosed detective, deliberately gets arrested in order to get revenge. While inside, Mason discovers a new criminal enterprise that those behind it would kill to protect.

The Movie has most of the action at a correctional facility where Mason has fight and fend off enemies while buying time for the perfect moment to avenge the death of his wife who was murdered before his very eyes by the WWE giant brute, The Big show (acting as Victor Abbot) 

It is a spellbinding movie that will have you gripping the edges of your seat throughout  the 90 action packed minutes. 

Below is the trailer: 

About this writer:

T. Magu