After Mugo wa Wairimu,Here Are 5 Other Doctors Who Have Raped And Sexually Molested Women In Their Clinics. This Is How They Did It. Number 4 Is Horrible. Eeeww.

Lest you think that Mugo wa Wairimu is a novelty,and that his dastardly actions have never been executed by anyone else in the medical practice,you’re wrong. He’s not a special case.. But yet another statistic in the dark pileup of rapist medics.

What he did and how he did it was also not so original. Many other quacks had pulled off similar crimes… In a fashion almost exactly like that of Mugo. But they eventually got busted… And arrested unlike Mugo who now has gone missing but can still Facebook and taunt authorities.

And to show you that this whole ‘let me sedate and rape my patient’ madness is not really a preserve of political blogging bigots,Here are five other cases similar to that of Mugo. Number 4 is seriously disturbing. Eeeeew.

1. Dr. Jay Cho

Dr. Jay Cho was a 71-year old American doctor of Asian origin from Pennsylvania. Over the course of 5 years or more,Dr. Cho drugged over 12 women and raped them while they were half-dead. But his cover was blown earlier this year after women started going forward accusing him of taking sexual advantage of them and sedating them. And after investigations were done,Dr. Cho was arrested and charged on several charges, including rape, aggravated indecent assault, drug delivery by a practitioner, criminal use of a communication facility, indecent assault, possession of a controlled substance and harassment in connection with incidents involving 12 different women. It was said that the Doctor over-prescribed Narcotics ‘like candy’ to his needy patients. But all this time,Dr. Cho was a highly distinguished medical practitioner since he had had over 43 years experience and had been voted one of the Best doctors across Pennsylvania. Cho was held on a $375,000 bail which translates to roughly Ksh. 40,000,000 in the current exchange rate! Yes, 40 damn million! His case continues.

2. Dr. George Doodnaught 

Now Dr. George Doodnaught was a Canadian doctor and highly-qualified anesthesiologist working in the North York General Hospital. What Mr. Doodnaught would do was simple ; for close to ten years,Doodnaught would inject his victims with a powerful anesthetic and then proceed to rape them while they were aware! Yes,he didn’t have to sedate them or blur their minds to rate them. All of the women interviewed said that they were 100% aware of Doodnaught raping them but they couldn’t do anything since they couldn’t move their limbs. It was then revealed that Doctor Doodnaught kissed the patients as they lay on the operating table. He fondled their breasts and made explicit sexual remarks.

In 13 of the cases, he was accused of placing his penis in the mouth or hands of the victim.

Doodnaught’s attorney Brian Greenspan told Ontario Superior Court Judge David McCombs that the height of the operating room table, as well as the presence of various machines and IV lines would have made it difficult if not impossible for Doodnaught to even get close enough to the victims.

Greenspan also said that there are many doctors and nurses going in and out of the operating room. “No one saw or heard anything that would indicate sexual assault,” Greenspan said.

However, it was said that Doodnaught stood near the patient’s head with a sterile sheet over the upper body hiding him from the sight of other staff. And then forcefully injecting a powerful drug that would immediately cripple his victims and then raping them and forcing his penis into their mouths.

3. Dr. Darren Chotiner 

This was a 46-year old distinguished practitioner from Bremerton,Washington who had been practising since 2007. Dr. Chotiner was busted after it was revealed that over a period of years,he had mercilessly raped and groped 11 different women.

Dr. Chotiner’s misdemeanor ranged from inappropriate comments and advances by the doctor during office visits all the way to allegations of indecent liberties and rape. All of the victims so far are adult women.

But while investigations went on,15 more women came forward and accused the Doctor of inappropriate behavior, touching them indecently and also raping them.

 4. Dr. Joshua Drah

Dr. Joshua Drah is a Ghanaian national who had been operating a small clinic in Madina,Accra named Universal Mission Clinic. It looks like his main universal mission was to rape not one, not two but THOUSANDS of women across Accra. He was a gynecologist and also performed hundreds of illegal abortions on hundreds of women who trooped his dirty clinic and sought his services.

What makes Dr. Joshua even creepier is the revelation that he would RAPE these women as he performed an abortion! You heard that right! Right in the middle of an abortion,when the woman was all bloody and messed up and in a state of dizziness and pain,Dr. Joshua would then RAPE her! While the peraring bed was all bloody and messed up and his gloves were still on and bloodied. And the tell the woman that he was doing it to ‘open up her birth canals’. Oh Lord!

After his arrest,Dr. Joshua attempted to deny ever doing any such thing but then a secret video of him raping women while procuring an abortion on them was played in court. He was silenced and sentenced to jail for a decade. It was also revealed that Joshua’s victims were well in their thousands. His story revolted a nation and sent Shock waves across Ghana.

5. Dr. Binh ‘Ben’ Chung

Yet another Asian! Dr. Chung was a 41-year old practitioner operating from the Sin City,Las Vegas. Dr. Binh wasn’t just a rapist… But a damaged,dark soul who would record his dirty activities on video and then go play it for himself in his bedroom back at home. Dr. Binh would,like all rapist doctors,sedate his victims first and,once they were unconscious,would press the record button on his camera,undress the women,get undressed himself and then jump on them while at the whole time recording himself and making silly faces to the camera.

After his arrest,Dr. Binh denied ever committing such atrocities but his wife stepped forward and took police to their home. Upon arrival to their home,his wife told the police that she had bumped into a hard drive belonging to Dr. Binh hidden in the bedroom. And after watching what was contained in the hard drive,she was shocked to her bones.

Dr. Binh’s wife then gave the hard drive to the police who after watching it’s content,discovered THOUSANDS of phonographic videos featuring Dr. Binh and hundreds of his unconscious victims. 60% of the videos involved children. Sometimes girls as young as 6 or 8.


Well….There you have it. Creeps are allover this place. From America to Africa to India. But while all these others were arrested,arraigned in Court and sentenced,our rapist creep is still hiding in a LAWMAKER’S house allegedly! What a shame!



About this writer:

Cabu Gah