A Gorgeous Sarah Hassan Canoodling With Her Boyfriend in Cape Town! (photo+ Video)
Sarah Hassan seems to met her Lochinvar somewhere in the vast expanse that is the world , the sad thing is that some of us were not told that she got taken and are currently nursing our broken hearts.
Last weekend, the sexy lass was gallivanting in Cape Town with her significant other close in tow. She wrote, in great detail and to our lofty imagination how She and her Knight in shimmering Armour had sampled over 24 wines on her birthday in cape town, but that was not before they visited the famous fairy tale-ish Stellenbosch botanical gardens.
Check out the following picture:
Pray tell, is the boyfriend South African or does the couple have a thing for South African wine?
Of course some of you would want to console and pamper your egos that the man in the picture is just a family friend and therefore deeply entrenched in the friend-zone. No people he is not.
Check out this video of the said bloke canoodling with the Sexy Sarah Hassan.