The Hustle Is Real! Corazon Kwamboka To Launch Her Own Skin Bleaching Products
I thought skin lightening products were hotcake in West And Central Africa. Perhaps East African ladies have also developed a taste for such kind of products now that Corazon plans to start her own.
Maybe if Corazon had come up with her bleaching products way earlier, Vera Sidika wouldn’t be forced to travel abroad to give her skin a new look.
Corazon has seen a potential market and she has decided to invest her money in it. Beauty products, a very lucrative market.
Having grown grappling with an acne prone face, the socialite has struggled to find the best product that could work on her skin.
Her personal battle with her skin condition has prompted her to find a solution for millions of ladies with similar struggles.
She says she has been researching on products and her quest had finally yielded the results she had hoped for.
Corazon thinks she has discovered the right concoction to treat skin problems. As such, she wants to launch her own beauty products that work for all skin conditions.
“I love the glow in my skin! Everybody who knows me personally knows how hard I have struggled with my skin! Being said I went on a quest to find the best products for people with sensitive skin like me. I am soon launching my line of skin care products from bleaching, spot removal, smooth skin, lightening and products to make your skin radiant! By the way this pic has not filter! That is how my skin looks now and is yet to get better!”