SoNU President Babu Owino Pays Ksh 220,000 Cash Bail For 11 UoN Students Arrested Over City Protest

Earlier this week, fiery UoN student leader Babu Owino organized and led hundreds of University of Nairobi students in a protest that was held over Helb Loan delays.

Hitting the city streets, Babu and his gang reigned supreme ; thoroughly stomping on the hallowed Kidero grass, creating traffic snarl-ups, blocking Uhuru Highway and pouring into Moi Avenue to protest to the Helb Loans committee over the delaying of the release of Helb funds.

But before the protest got out of hand, as anything organized and chaperoned by Babu is wont to, Police from the Central Police station descended on the rioting crowd and swept them off the city before arresting some 11 students in the operation.

The students were then arraigned in Court (Milimani) from where they DENIED the charges and were released on a Ksh. 20,000 bond each. But Babu was in the house too… And when Babu is in the house, Babu is in the house.

Well,all the students had their bond taken care of by the monied Babu who paid the whole amount ; Ksh. 220,000.

This is not the first time University students (Not just from UoN) have hit the streets to riot over the delay in the disbursement of the Helb Loan funds.

Let’s wait and see what Babu’s latest dust-up will yield.

Comrades power!? I guess.



About this writer:

Cabu Gah