Yet Another Top Gospel Artist Writes An open Letter To Joji Baro!

Yet another gospel artist has come out to talk to Joji Baro about what they feel is disrespect towards their religion -Christianity. Have a read and let me know if you agree in the comment section:


Hi Joji  my name is MALUDA I’m a Christian and I do music, I actually do rap and I love hip-hop however my identity is based on the true word of Christ and not what I do.

The reason as to why I’m writing this open letter is because honestly I’ve been seeing what you have been portraying as a so called “Christian” artist and honestly it’s contradictory to the word of God and its painting a not so good picture of Christians and Christianity and plus, if I may say I find  it offensive. In the scripture homosexuality is highly condemned (1Cor.6:9-10 and 1Timothy 1:8-11) and actually in the book of Leviticus (18:22 and 20:13) it states that God hates homosexuality all throughout the bible this type of lifestyle is damning and highly condemned which begs me to ask which Bible are you reading?


Which God are you serving?

I know it looks like I’m judging you but guess what I AM!!!! However I’m judging based on what Jesus asked us to judge on account of and that is righteous judgment (John 7:24 kjv) you see this type of says that there is a chance for repentance and forgiveness of sin, the word of God says if we confess our sins He is just to forgive us (1 John1:9). Hence I’m not condemning you in any way I’m simply asking you to think about the life you’re leading because the God who says He does not tolerate homosexuality cannot go against his word and condone it in you. I’m not perfect as an individual I struggle with a lot of things and I’m trusting in Jesus to deliver me the same way he can also help and deliver you no one is perfect, as Christians we do struggle with issues however being gay and being comfortable in that life and claiming to be a Christian is contradictory #REALTALK bruh fo real fo real

Gay Gospel Artist And His Boyfriend K.I.S.S.I.N.G.

Finally anyone who has heard of Sodom and Gommorah knows that they were notorious hotbeds of homosexuality check out Genesis 19:5-8 those people wanted to have sex with the men who had entered Lot’s home and guess what?  In the same chapter the city of Sodom and Gommorah was destroyed by fire because of the same lifestyle that you are portraying!! Come on man it’s not possible to be gay and be comfortable in that lifestyle and claim to be a Christian let alone “gospel artist” what gospel artist posts nude pictures online! Let alone that you also post pictures kissing another dude??

Wearing weaves and all that!!? Come on man, I’m saying this with humility man, repent from that lifestyle you are living, turn to Jesus and then you can attempt and be a gospel artist 1Cor.6:9-10 states that no HOMOSEXUAL will inherit the kingdom of God.

Maluda (50 Cent Look-alike) Shouts Out Ghafla!

NB: I know people will call me a homophobe and I’m cool with that however I think if you’re a Christian then its Biblical to correct wrong doing via scripture.

About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)