Gospel’s New Kids on The Block Now Want To Teach You Some Bangra Music
Under the wings of Kriss Eeh Baba who took up the task of mentoring the young and untapped talent in S.O.C and did a song with the trio, ‘Bila Yesu’ which helped them bag Hip Hop song of the year with Groove Awards which was their greatest breakthrough, the group seems to have developed its own wings and ready for take-off.
With Bila Yesu doing quite well in the 2012 local charts, they felt the challenge to do even a bigger project and that’s when the single Kakitu was born. Kakitu was inspired by Acts 3:6 ,when Peter was talking to the poor man ‘Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.’ Hence SOC modified the verse on today’s hustles and came up with Niachie Kakitu where they refer to what the youth is saying to the society ‘niachie kakitu ’, but what SOC is bringing out is that Young people should learn to depend on God.
Alternatively, Kakitu is a Swahili Slang meaning loose change (money).
Check out Kakitu below: a fusion of bangra and hiphop;
Currently S.O.C has been nominated for the Mwafaka Awards 2013 yet to happen are hoping for the best. Their dream? Spread the gospel through their music and to create a niche that will make them stand out musically, because at the end of the day, they quote ‘We got to give God the best out of our talent!’