Willy Paul’s Celibacy:My Two Cents on The Matter.

Controversial gospel artist Willy Paul recently announced to Kenyans and the world over his decision to go celibate.This brings about the question; “Aren’t gospel artistes supposed to be celibate from the very beginning or are they allowed to have sex while still singing about God?” Think about it logically, this announcement is in fact an admission that hitherto, he was partaking of the forbidden fruit: guava!



I am not trying to mount the proverbial moral high horse here but i thought the Bible explicitly states that we should not have sex before marriage and a gospel artistes -as role models- is expected to follow the Bible word-for-word.

This recent inadvertent admission of fornication gives credence to Pendo’s claim about doing the nasty with Willy Paul something which the singer has vehemently denied.so what does Pendo have to say about Willy’s willy?

 Willy performs with Gloria Muliro

Then again, these are my personal opinions and mine alone. Post a comment on whether you agree or not in the comment section.

About this writer:

Sue Watiri