DK Kwenye Beat is Back!
After giving you ‘Furifuri’ and ‘Sarisari’ whose catchy beats have ensured they stay on music charts for the longest time possible, the brains behind the two, DK Kwenye Beat is back with another bolt from the blue.
DK has been working on a project with the hit maker producer Teddy B called ‘Asusu’. The jam’s inspiration is from the Biblical story of Job, a man who never gave up on God despite losing money, family and health .He stayed true to God.
The entire 42 chapters of the Book of Job are wrapped up in this definite catchy song ‘Asusu’, with DK encouraging you to keep serving and that God is watching despite our many downfalls. This is Jo’s story told in a modern style.
‘Asusu’ brings to the surface DK’s music prowess, matched up with Teddy B’s catchy beats and then treated to Juma Tutus’ melodious saxophone sounds. It’s an easy sing along with awesome lyrics and it preaches to all.
The video is a work in plan. It has a promising out of the normal script.