Even With The Impending Controversial Nuptials To Apostle Anselm Madubuko, Emmy Kosgei Launches Her Album! (Photo Gallery)
It would seem that the controversy surrounding her impending wedding and subsequent marriage to Naija pastor Apostle Anselm not withstanding, Emmy Kosgei is a lady determined to trudge on and march forth to produce good music.
And her resolve has culminated in an album launch in Eldoret at an open air concert which was hosted at the Eldoret sports Club and inspite of the weather, her fans came out to celebrate her music and praise God in one breathe.
And the gospel lass was looking resplendent in a flowing white dress and for the concert, she called on the assistance of her big name gospel friends such as Gloria Muliro and Daddy Owen among others.
And you can check out the images below: