Blankets & Wine Owner & Singer Dropping New Record
Singer and drummer, Muthoni a.k.a. Muthoni the Drummer Queen a.k.a. DQ is about to share something new and wonderful with all of you. In about three weeks’ time she will be sharing her new album, MDQ, with the world.
2013 is an emblematic for DQ as Blankets & Wine will be turning 5 in November and she will be releasing her full length album in October 2013. This album has been long desired by Muthoni and long awaited by you, her faithful & loyal supporters in #TeamDQ.
MDQ is testament that with a little patience, things do fall in place and now, looking back, I see how it has all been part of the same process.
This is the second album DQ is releasing after The Human Condition in November of 2009. Also, it was roughly the same time that Blankets & Wine was “getting serious” and she really struggled daily to find a way to be both a performing artist as well as the CEO of a project that was slowly turning into a brand.
Keep it Ghafla! for more info about the album.