Kenya’s Only American Football Player Makes Caroline Mutoko, Lyndah Nyangweso & Chipukeezy All Look like Dwarfs (PHOTOS)
Most people in Kenya’s showbiz scene are way shorter than they seem because it’s difficult to tell how tall a TV star actually is from just seeing them on the big screen. However, Daniel Adongo, the first and only Kenyan in America’s National Football League, is not.
This morning he stopped at Kiss 100 for Big Breakfast and when Caroline, Chipukeezy and Lyndah were done and dusted, Caroline, Chipu and Dan posed for a photo. What stood out however is that the towering athlete made Caroline & Chipu look like dwarfs.
Check out;
Dan head and shoulders above all of them.
Dan stands at a towering 6′ 6″ (1.98 m)!
He plays outside line backer on the special teams for the Indianapolis Colts wearing the jersey number 56. The number 56 has always been associated with Lawrence Taylor, the greatest outside line backer to play that position and Dan is representing the legend well.