Caroline Mutoko Calls Out Pulse’s Stevens Muendo For Lying About Her Wealth

Caroline Mutoko is not a happy lady. She is unimpressed by Stevens Muendo’s team over at Pulse who he allowed to run a story about her wealth even after she expressly asked them n ot to interfere in her “boring private life”. How do I know this? Well, I have a sleuth of a colleague who knows just how to get things to happen.

In my possession, Uncle Chim Tuna has an email complaint in which Caroline Mutoko sarcastically calls out Stevens Muendo for playing about and allowing the story to go to print. Personally however, I can relate to Stevens Muendo’s dilemma: to run an awesome story or to ignore it?

Fortunately, it’s Stevens on the receiving end of this one. That said, she was rather sarcastic in her request to be overlooked for the article but ce sera sera! Check out the email below:



I hope you enjoyed your time in Nigeria.

Listen – one of your girls called me about some story on money, net-worth etc, etc.
I told her what I’ve always told you:
1. I’m not your target market
2. I don’t believe in discussing my personal life
3. I’m rather boring – I have a job, I work and go home.
4. I’m not a celeb.
There are many flashy celebs in in town. People who love to show off and talk about what they have- borrowed or otherwise – I don’t see the point, nor do I have anything to talk about.
I live a humble life and as much as some people want to pretend it’s otherwise, I know myself. There’s nothing to write about.
I hope your girl didn’t take it badly, but there are forums and conversations I simply don’t know how to have. I’m that boring Kao chick.
Take care.


About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)