Blogger Animalistically Attacks Ciku Muiruri Accusing Her Of Being Sodomized By The Artur Brothers


Ciku Muiruri is one of the most highly visible women in entertainment industry. She has been at the pinnacle of radio for as far back as I can remember but that has always left her with a bulls-eye on her back as insecure men and bitter beaus have all stood in line for years to take shots at her. But she’s a strong lady and she has never let what anyone has to say bring her down.

That said, i came across a blog post put up under the pretense of advising women on what it is that men look for in a woman. It all seems innocuopus enough until well into the article, the writer decides he has done enough padding and launches headlong into his verbal assault on Ciku Muiruri.

At first I could relate to what he was saying but as soon as his diabolical diatribe begun, I saw his article for what it really was, a Trojan Horse. This is what the tool had to say:

Y’all know Ciku Muiruri, right? Call it ill luck.. Or call it the occupational hazards of the wh*ring profession, the fact is, she had a little accident learning to ride d!ck almost twenty years ago and the instructor vanished soon after the fact. I bet she didn’t imagine her product of sin would haunt her for a lifetime. She’s a single, lonely, soon to be grandma who’s bitter coz she can’t find a man dumb enough to be step father to her daughter. She vents her frustrations by collectively insulting Kenyan men as broke and with short d!cks. Lord ha’mercy on this h0! Everybody knows she lost her smile coz the Artur’s ripped apart her a-hole!


This is the problem I have with the post in question is the fact that it is utter bullshit. Not only that but the coward went on to bring up her child. That is usually where I draw a line and beat you to a bloody pulp with it. It actually takes a special kind of vermin to insult a child simply to get at the parents.

All in all however, before I go ballistic, allow me to share the link to the post so you can check it out for yourselves.


That being said, when I reached out to Ciku for a comment, she refused to justify this garbage with a statement.


About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)