GHAFLA EXCLUSIVE: Kiss 100’s Kalekye Drops A Huge Bomb On Everyone! (VIDEO)

Last week, I announced to everyone that Kalekye Mumo was going to be dropping a huge bomb once she got back to Kenya aye? Well, the songstress who hosts the Kiss 100 FM drive show alongside Shaffie Weru has done just that. And ass you can tell from this introduction, i am nopt long for the yarning and bending your ears, I do not want to bore you with irrelevant stories trying to prolong this article. So why not keep reading about the bomb Kalekye has dropped below. No seriously, you should probably skip this bit because it is going to be one long circle jerk of me trying to atleast make this piece 500 words long and if you’re still reading this part of the article instead of moving onto find out what the Kalekye has gone and done then you are the reason people get knocked down along Thika Road!


Away from the blah blah blah, let me clarify things. Kalekye has been spotting a ring and my friends caught up with her and asked whether it meant something or it was all just hype. It wasn’t hype. She is spoken for. Check out the video below:



About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)