Fly540’s Disgusting Humiliation Of Emmy Kosgei’s Father Should Be Punished!




Nothing captures the spirit of this entire despicable, dastardly, down right evil affair quite like the word disgusting. Even as I typed up this article, I wore quite the look of disgust on my face. I look like I have caught the whiff of someone’s excrement in my mouth. That is how bad the story that broke out has affected me.

My colleague Jeff called my attention to the fact that Emmy Kosgei’s father was forced to crawl off an aeroplane by the airline’s management because he is handicapped.
You read right, the man, who is confined to a wheelchair was denied, nay, stripped of any dignity and honour when he was humiliatingly asked to crawl off the aeroplane flight which had left Eldoret devoid of any drama.

The report Jeff Omondi put up not so long ago which was a syndication of a story that appeared in the Nairobi News written by Justus Wanga claimed that the cabin crew went as far as to bar people from assisting Bishop Jackson Kosgei of Worldwide Gospel Church of Kenya to preserve some of his dignity by support him down the stairs!
As I think of this recent show of poor judgement cruelty, I can’t help but draw parallels to the recent incident of alleged racial profiling outright racism incident that besmirched Artecaffe. I am disgusted by both incidents but to be honest, I do not patronize and will never patronize Artecaffe so my outrage at the alleged racism incident doesn’t dent their business.

However, I fly often and the comments reportedly made by the CEO of Fly540 on the matter as reported by Nairobi News has me saying that I will never set foot on a Fly540 plane. My colleague Jeff Omondi said maybe it’s time for KoT to swing into action. Only money will make an impact. As a human being who is disgusted by what was reportedly done, I will not be using the service offered.


The man on the right is the Fly540 CEO


Now go and tell the airline’s CEO, Don Smith, who allegedly said, “We do not carry people who cannot physically support themselves; our terms and conditions are very clear on this. We are not allowed to carry them, people who cannot physically walk.” That God’s Chosen Blogger has spoken. And my opinion of both he and his airline are very low.


About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)