Former Classic 105’s Ciku Muiruri Speaks Sexual Harassment in Public Offices & in Vera Sidika’s Defence
After a week of intense debate on Vera Sidika’s bleaching, the discussion finally died down over the weekend, but not before Ciku Muiruri could add her two cents.
On Sunday, the ‘Busted’ queen was in full support of the video vixen as she penned for her column. She shared;
“Someone mentioned her to me a couple of months back and my eyes glazed over. I didn’t want to appear not ‘with it’ so I nodded and pretended I knew to whom they were referring. It finally hit me after she #trended last week. Ah, video vixen extraordinaire with some eh, assets. She appeared on The Trend with Larry Madowo and said that she had spent close to Sh 50 million lightening her skin. Two words for you Vera – Michael Jackson. Good luck with that.
Anyhow, her interview got a lot of people upset. They talked about being sickened by this girl that was setting a bad example for young girls. First of all Vera, awesome shoes. Christian Louboutin? Well, well. Secondly, I’m not going to bash you. You chase that paper! I have a young daughter and I don’t believe that you shaking your booty will influence her life decisions in any way. It’s my job to bring her up right, not yours. Don’t let the moral brigade force you to be anyone’s role model and here’s why:
We live in a society where women like you will never catch a break. Women will hate you because of your body. They will feel threatened when you are around their man. Men will objectify you. They will make lewd comments. Finding love will be tedious. No wonder you headed to Nigeria to find it. They are all throwing stones at you because you earn your money through your body part(s). Never mind that you probably have no other skill sets. What would they rather you were doing? A desk job? Honey, there is no organization you will work for where the boss or some important client does not hit on you. Sexual harassment is the order of the day for most girls so what about women who are built like you? Assuming you can actually hold the job down because no woman will allow her husband to hire someone with a booty like yours. Vera, do you and ignore the haters.”