DJ MO Reveals Why He Did Not Celebrate Size 8 Yesterday Despite Being International Women’s Day

Yesterday saw Kenyans join the world in celebrating women all over, with many sending their messages of love and affection towards the ladies they hold close to their hearts.

It was the International Women’s Day; a day put aside to recognize and appreciate efforts put up by women to make the world a better place.

For NTV’s Crossover 101 DJ, DJ MO, Sunday was just a day like any other. He therefore saw no need of celebrating his celebrity wife Size 8.

We wouldn’t have known this had DJ MO decided to remain quiet. However, the celebrated DJ has revealed that he never celebrated his wife because it is something he does almost daily and it has become a routine.

Through his facebook page, DJ MO has shared a photo of Size 8 saying that he celebrates his wife daily and that explains why he has decided to post her photo today and not yesterday as many did.

size 8

I know yesterday was #womensday but i decided to put it today coz i celebrate her daily

The two celebrities have enjoyed a quiet but happy marriage since they moved in as husband and wife a year and half ago.

Size 8 initially used to do secular music but got born again and started doing gospel music. She has since gone on to release very captivating hits like Mateke among others.

About this writer:

Edward Chweya