Ugly Feet Completely Turn Me Away From A Lady, Kenyan Singer Reveals


Woman are known to capture men’s attention from different perspectives. There are those men who will look at that face or those eyes or ears or nose or the posterior and say yes, this is the person I have been looking for. While things that attract men in women vary from one to another, there is one that celebrated singer-cum-producer thinks is mandatory: feet and toes.

Kagwe Mungai has revealed what will make him want to be with a woman. While the singer admits that an attractive woman should be hot, he adds that such a woman should have nice toes that are taken care of properly.

Kagwe admits that he gets turned off from ladies who have not treated their toes well. Is he having a toe fetish?

Kagwe refutes this but agrees that good toes make a woman look full of herself and confident and it reveals a great personality in the woman.

The singer goes on to reveal that a woman should be good looking always and should be confident and with a great personality.

Here is the interview as it went down:


About this writer:

Edward Chweya