This Is Why Kibera Is On The World Map For A Good Reason (photos)
According to the archives, the last time that Lutan Fyah was in the country was in 2012 around December at a concert. Not much has been mentioned about the said artist for the past couple of years. We probably forgot him as he went on doing his musical business in Kingston, Jamaica.
The Jamaican songwriter and artist has been working on a new song and has been in the country where he has been shooting a video at Kibera. Credible information reveal that the Jamaican artist is actually shooting “kibera” a single from Johny Vigeti’s new album which has been produced by Kenring.
Featuring Lutan Fyah on a major video will put Kibera out on the world map. We shall furnish you with more details as they come.
Lutan Fyah shooting a part of a new jam at Kibera.