This Is What MC Jessy Did To DJ Pierra Makena And Which Will Go Down In Pierra’s History

Over the past weekend, one of Kenya’s finest DJs, Pierra Makena, celebrated her birthday as she turned another year older. Those who attended the birthday bash say it was one of the best though there were some shortages, something that is normal in almost all situations.

Pierra, as we all know, is to date the most celebrated female DJ in Kenya and beyond. She has always moved the masses with her wonderful mixes and perhaps this explains why she has been invited to DJ outside the country before.

Celebrities across the country congregated for the birthday bash.

And it was here that Pierra took an opportunity to reveal to the world what one of Kenya’s finest comedians and radio personalities has done to her all along.

Pierra revealed that all her life ever since she was a young girl in school, MC Jessy has always been by her side, helping her and advising her on how to go about life.

Pierra shared a photo with MC Jessy saying that he holds the Hot 96 host so close to her heart and that it is him who has helped her be what she is.

Their relationship started off when Pierra was in high school and it has continued even to date. Here is what Pierra said:


pierramacIf there is a man i value its This guy…he has pushed me since i was in high school and encouraged me even when i was nothing….Merus Rock… thanks for the awesome birthday gift ……madd love @jessythemc

About this writer:

Edward Chweya