The Year is 2016 and a Girl Joins Sauti Sol. These are the Disastrous Possibilities You Should Expect


It is without much ado that Sauti Sol has been the most outstanding singing group in East Africa and arguably in Africa as a continent. Its members’ ability to execute lyrics perfectly and raise emotions among listeners tells it all and perhaps this explains why they are likeable like Winston Churchill’s 1945 speech.

From Nishike to Sura Yako and now Nerea, their songs have been the most listened to in Kenya as statistics from You Tube views and downloads on various platforms tell.

One would argue and justifiably so that it is because the band is made up of male members only and that it is easier to juggle things amongst men: they are bound to disagree, mess each other up but still resolve their issues and do their thing effectively.

It is a different story with ladies. With all due respect for the ladies out there, it has been argued out there over time and again that ladies keep grudges, do not forget easily and so is forgiving.

I am yet to prove this but for now, let’s go with this mentality as we look into possibilities if there were a lady in Sauti Sol or rather if they opted to incorporate one into the group.

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The thouh about coming up with this article was masterminded by one female fan who commented on a photo Sauti Sol put up on their Facebook account.

You see, I am this very big stalker of other people’s accounts. And as I scoured through facebook to look for something for you on this esteemed blog, I landed on this photo Sauti Sol uploaded yesterday, a real throwback showing the far they have come ever since they started their journey in the murky yet exciting waters of music.

And as I went through the comments on this photo, I came across this particular one from this lady who begged them to consider including a lady in their band and this fan wanted to be the only lady in the band.

Mary Ogotti Mbona hamna demu-nataka kuajoin ebu mnijibu

I paused for a while to think about the same. A lady in Sauti Sol? How many groups have had a mixture of ladies and gentlemen and made it except our own Elani? Well, there may be others but for a while just take your time and think how Sauti Sol would look like if the group decided that we should have a lady here.

My honest opinion would be a big NAH!

Well, someone is already saying I am this chauvinistic ninja who has a disliking for ladies. But again this thinking also depends on how and where you were brought up.

(Check next page for more)


But I still digress. I am of this idea that Sauti Sol is just itself because of the fact that it chose to embrace just men and men alone. And not just men but four men.

Look, a lady coming into this group would mean that they have to a big extent alter the manner in which they sing to accommodate her effectively into the group and its songs. This means that the Sauti Sol we are used to will take a completely new shape and their content will tremendously change. That is the beginning of their downfall.

Kenyans and the world are used to a certain Sauti Sol way. Hearing a Sauti Sol song from a distant automatically tells you that it is either Chimano, Bien Aime, Mudigi or Otieno singing. This means that we are so used to Sauti Sol to an extent that a simple change will greatly damage what we have gotten used to.

Lastly, men are men and ladies are ladies. Every gender was created in its own way of reacting to some things and situations. When a man becomes too happy, he becomes too weak. When a lady sees a very happy man, she becomes more aggressive and in most cases wants to pin him down.

You get what I mean? Well, a lady in Sauti Sol, whether she has just dropped from heaven or thrown out of hell, will definitely become a big load of temptation to the four gentlemen. Wanna feelings pia ukumbuke!

And when this happens, be sure to see a Tsunami-like collapse of the group.

A lady in Sauti Sol is a thorn in the group’s sole!

It has been proved before that a lady’s band is disastrous. Remember the Tatu band consisting of the likes of former radio queen Debbie Asila? Where is it now? Camp Mulla is another case! It split because it was a mixture. In fact Elani should have learnt from them by now! But they are too good to split. I hope they wont. Namesake Brian Chweya unanisikia? 


About this writer:

Edward Chweya