This Is What Doreen From TPF 5 Has Been Upto.

In a hotly contested TPF, Ruth Matete took home the top prize. Doreen Nyawira, the purple diva took second place, the fans were happy and soon moved on. The competition is no longer on our screens but the memories of the purple diva dressed like a geisha are still fresh. I caught up with Doreen and we had a little chat Earlier this week. 

So after talking for hours we realized that we’ve been living on parallel universes, Her grandparents live a valley away from my village-we both agreed that the world is a global village and moved on to more important issues.  She is still pursuing her degree at the University Of Nairobi and tells me  that it is one of her biggest challenges.  

GH: You’re beautiful Doreen… 

Doreen: (probably blushing) Well, that was random, but, thank you. 

GH: So update me on the developments after TPF

Doreen: It was scary at first, considering that I had not done music before  TPF, but the adventurer in me wouldn’t budge, I decided to test the waters. 

Gh: Aha, tell me more.. 

Doreen: I did not get a recording deal in the first place, but what I never got in recording was made up for with experience. Late last year I started writinng an album, It is nearing completion and I’m hoping that  the world  likes  it.

Gh: What Inspires your music? For example, food motivates me to write.. 

Doreen: (impressed at my love for  food) Well food, My greatest motivation is that I am an African and the fact that I’m a woman. My soon to be dropped album/Ep was motivated by the above and borrows a lot from folklore, stories and culture from the Agikuyu, my community. 

GH: Impressive! 

Doreen: “Kumirira” the name of my album is a celebratory chorus that my people danced to on happy days like, weddings , birth, and basically other glorious celebrations. 

GH: Aha.. tell me more

Doreen: The other songs are largely what I have accumulated overtime culture wise, I have such a deep seated sense of reverence for my culture and the African people in general, I know it is rare, but it fascinates me, I just couldn’t forget where I came from.. My friends actually call me “Mama Africa”

GH: That’s deep, How old are you again? 

Doreen: Women don’t.. 

Gh: Okay forget it… Uhm, You also joined a band? 

Doreen: Yeah,My friends and I teamed up to form “Ni sisi” and we are still going strong. 

We conclude the chitchat, but not before she tell me that she Is rebranding, she is no longer to be known as Doreen TPF, her name is “Nyawira” or mama Africa, I  have a strong urge to tell her that my friends once called me “Mama Mboga”  But that shall have to wait. 

Here are some Of Doreen’s Photos. Girl is looking great. 

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About this writer:

T. Magu