It Is Here Now! The Most Anticipated, Completely Mind-blowing 18 Voices Jam Of 2015.

“In just four hours you will be treated to something overpoweringly different, something truly exquisite, something that we’ll talk about for years to come as one of the grandest musical collaborations of all time”-  We ran that statement yesterday, in light of what dropped as one of the grandest classical collaboration of all time, Music so profound that Mozart must have stirred in his grave, green  with envy! 

 The team of J. Blessing, (that legend of Link Global)  and Talanta awards cock-tailed  a meet of 18 differently talented artists to produce music of unimaginable flavor, touch and feel. Music so fine that that it has been called “A Kenyan Masterpiece” 

Here, listen to the song below. 

About this writer:

T. Magu