Allan Kiuna Welcomes The King Of Ratchets Kenya To His Church.
Yesterday I narrated a tall tale of the King of ratchets who had decided to crossover to God’s Kingdom after a pretty bad run-in with the devil and his associates. It was jubilation at the JCC and Heaven, when Blaqy gave up his earthly pleasures for a chance to partake in the heavenly glory.
You can read the article here: A Totally Ratchet Secular Artist Got Born Again Over The Weekend!
Yesterday, for those doubting Thomas-es who called it attention trotting, Bishop Allan Kiuna of JCC tweeted welcoming Blaqy to the JCC Family:
Bishop Allan Kiuna @BishopKiuna
@BLAQY4 welcome to The Family of God that is washed by the blood of Jesus. His grace will keep u and By His goodness He will see u through!
Blaqy in reference to this would say :” I have come too far for this, blinded by materialistic impulses, money, liquer and loose women; it is about time I lived for God and did something worthwhile. You haven’t seen anything yet.
Blaqy has also revealed that he will be releasing a gospel track soon featuring a surprise gospel superstar, Willy paul? Bahati? Stick around.