KUCHU KUCHU: Relax,Bahati Fans…Eeer,Fanatics. It’s Absolutely Right For Bahati To Collaborate With ‘Secular Artists’. Isn’t He One Himself,Oh Wait….

After Bahati,yes,the Bahati,dropped that unexpected Kuchu Kuchu thing,umm,song,a lot of Kenyan homosexuals rushed to YouTube. Thinking that,finally,someone had done a song in tribute of them. And their politically-correct bedroom activities. Oops…

Let’s chow down this whole Kuchu Kuchu thing. And dive straight(no pun intended) into it’s mere happening.

Why would Bahati,a young man we’ve come to associate with Church and Bible hop into a studio to record a jam with Rabbit? A not-so-holy rapper? I’ll tell you why.

It’s because,unlike in REAL Christian Worlds,dominated by REAL Christian singers (Doen Moen,Lenny Le Blanc) ours is not so much as a Gospel Industry. Strictly dedicated in worshiping the Lord in spirit and in truth and glorifying His Word. Or evangelizing to the lost.

Our industry is a tad bit different. It’s a ‘Gospel Industry’ alright. But strictly dedicated to fleecing folks and fattening wallets and bedding high school girls and buying cars and living large.

The greatest mistake we’ve done,and continue to do,is attempt to think that our ‘Gospel Artists’ even mean what they sing. Or say in those unbearable ramblings they call music.

We’ve,time and again,erroneously elevated them too much. And looked at them from a prism they don’t deserve.

We’ve,way too many times,assigned them some status they DON’T deserve. And overestimated them. When really,90% of them are a bunch of secular artists who’ve smartened up to know that they have NO chance in the secular industry and so,they have to pretend to love God. Or care about Him. While releasing puke-worthy songs and calling them ‘Gospel Music’. And fooling gullible masses along the way.Win.

Maybe Mercy Masika,the blessed angel who brought you the smash-hit Mwema is in the Gospel Industry. Maybe Eunice Njeri is in the Gospel Industry. Maybe Jemima Thiong’o is on the Gospel Industry. Or maybe Isaac Kahura is. Or the Kassangas.

But if life has taught us anything,it’s that NOT every teenage laddie that jumps around-they all jump around-saying Lord Lord is really the real deal. Wait,don’t we have such a verse in the Holy Book? Maybe not exactly.

Can Bahati work with secular artists? But of course! Isn’t he secular anyway? Has he proved in the past just how ‘Gospel’ he really is? Has he ever demonstrated any form of Christian exclusivity in the past? Has Bahati ever walked,talked,sang,dressed or acted like he’s called? And set aside by The Lord to serve him?

All of these ‘Gospel’ wonder kids are really secular artists. With a creative play on the name ‘Yesu’ in their songs. And a very tactful approach to Kenya’s Music Industry. As a whole. Smart asses.

I would not be shocked if I woke up and realized that Willy Paul has done a song with Kenrazzy. Or be surprised if,give me another random ‘Gospel’ artist please,has dropped some song with the gimcrack G-Kon. Or even woke up from the same bed with Risper Faith. Why? Because I didn’t view them as Gospel artists in the first place anyway.

To me,they’re always lost souls. To me,all that act has always been a smokescreen. To me,they’ve been taking us all for a ride anyway. To me,they’ve never meant a word they said. Or even pretended to mean it.

And so,when I see Kenyans shocked that a ‘Gospel’ artist is working with secular artists,or partying with them or appearing with them in videos and album launches,I’ve always wondered, ‘Why are you shocked though!!?’ Aren’t these people one and the same thing? Don’t these people act all the same anyway? Dress, talk, think, sing, compose and perform all the same? Has there ever existed a distinction? Ever? Hardly.

Is there any fundamental difference between Wyre and Bahati?

Is there any striking difference between Kevoh Yout and Redsan? Hope Kid and Radio and Weasel?

Is there any noticeable difference between Willy Paul and any other ego-centric dancehall star wannabe?

Is there any difference between any member of the now-defunct MOG and Patoranking??

Hope Kid

If there’s anything our so-called ‘Gospel artists’ have taught us,is that we should NEVER take them seriously. Or imagine that,even for a minute, they’re into this whole boring Church thing. Or that they care about this Messianic Jesus guy even for a minute.

To them,it has always been business. And nothing else. And you can tell it from the way they carry out their trade from their many,childish ‘Gospel beefs’,from the profane way they dress and talk,from the laical inner fights they always have in that dark industry of light,from the chaotic way they bungle up and doctor Award ceremonies and from the way they form bitter,ruthless cliques around the Industry. Cliques you can’t penetrate. And Cliques you need to pay some sort of Italian-mafia type of allegiance. And even fee.


They were NEVER ‘Gospel artists’. Just some guys who did party songs for some sacred guy called Jesus. And got way with it.

I wouldn’t be shocked if I found them in my favorite strip club, anyway.

I mean,hasn’t it been proven what a bunch of amorous sex-mad deviants they really are anyway?

Go ahead and collaborate with whoever you like!!!

Ya’ll one and the same thing anyway!

About this writer:

Cabu Gah