6 Major Reasons Why DJ Creme Did NOT HAVE To Apologize To His Wife,Or Family,Or Fans…Or Anyone For That Matter.

I’ve just read that DJ Creme de la Creme apology to his fans and family and blah blah blah. You’d think,given my job,I’d already seen the apology letter. Well,not until now. We all saw the tape. And made such a spectacle of it on social media that our idle efforts at keyboardery rattled the World pushing Creme to the World Trending topics list. Nothing to celebrate here.

But given our notoriety at tweeting and social media indulgence,that’s not even news anyway.

And after much derision and memes and laughter,coupled with a few surprising tweets titled ‪#‎istandwithdjcreme‬,the man at the center (no pun intended) of the whole fiasco,decided to finally come out and set the record straight (again,no pun intended)

Social media pressure must have pushed the good DJ,who also had just forayed into music,disastrously,to come forward and address the famous grainy recording of his very unexciting romp.

The DJ,a married man with a beautiful family,went on to address his (and all our) human flaws,taking the flak, accepting the criticism,acknowledging that he’s been an imbecile and even apologizing to not just his wife and kid but also to the girl involved in the video-whose bedroom skills,by the way,are very commendable.

In a letter titled ‘My Apology’ or something as corny as that,DJ Creme took it all in,profusely said sorry and seemed to consider himself what we already considered him. He didn’t stand up for himself. But rather,bowed to pressure,and thought of himself as silly as we thought of him. What a mistake!

First and foremost,DJ Creme had absolutely nothing and nobody to apologize to. DJ Creme did not offend me. Or us. He did not say things that were offensive and derogatory. He did not curse in public. He did not exhibit any sort of savagery or commit mass atrocities. DJ Creme did what we’ve all done before. And he was NOT to be blamed for the leakage of the unfortunate tape.

This is why I think DJ Creme did not have to apologize. Not to his fans,his family or even his tape mate (Halima)

1. Video Was Shot 5 Years Ago
The DJ is now a happily (assuming I’m right) married man. With a kid and a lovely wife. By the time she decided to shoot that clip,oblivious of the massive embarrassment he’d plunge himself into 4 years later,he was still single and hot-blooded. He was still a young man. Wild and free. Careless and experimental. Lusty and crazy. It was a stage at which he’d perfectly do what he did. He wasn’t married then. He probably had never even met his current wife. He had no family or kids then. His wife and kids CANNOT hold him for stuff he did before they met – or before he married her. All that was before they happened. Not after. He owed her NO apology at this point. Assuming he didn’t orchestrate the tape’s leakage.


2. We’ve All (Ok, Almost All) Recorded Ourselves In Bed
The fact that our tapes haven’t been publicized,or sensationally published on blogs, does NOT mean that we’ve not done the same thing that the DJ did. Our tapes were probably even worse. And the women we recorded ourselves with even uglier. With worse titties. Mr. Creme did all what we’ve done before. And continue to do. Luckily,our tapes never leak. Why did he have to apologize!? To fellow sinners?

3. Were We Offended?
Before the DJ decided to rush and apologize,just to look politically correct,something Donald Trump believes us what is ailing America,he should have asked himself,beyond the twitter chatter and much online repulsion, was anyone TRULY and understandably offended by that clip? And if yes,what offended them? I, for one,was NOT offended by the clip. I found it entertaining. It gave me immense doses of laughter. DJ Creme is an entertainer. He entertained us with his clip on a very boring week day. Why apologize for exciting masses and eliciting conversations? For you to even claim to be offended, question is ; You got offended as WHO? How much of the DJ’s life do you control to be offended? What percentage of the DJ’s bills do you pay to claim offense? He owed NO ONE a sorry.

4. He Didn’t Leak The Tape
This is wholly an assumption. But given that he was clearly affected by the tape’s secret leak,and the fact that he is not just a family man but also a very sought after corporate DJ, there is NO way the DJ leaked the tape himself. It must have been done by one of his friends-or foes in that case. So why apologize? The guy who should be apologizing in this whole fiasco is the guy who leaked the tape. And not to the masses. But to the DJ himself. And his family. DJ Creme is the victim here. Not the villain. Why is a victim apologizing!??

5. Halima Was 100% Involved In The Video’s Creation
Judging from the heightened activity in that video,the genial conversations and the mutual synchronized sexual activities,it’s clear that Halima was NOT raped. And that the video was NOT recorded secretly by an evil DJ Creme. They recorded it in full agreement. And they both knew they were on camera. So why is the DJ saying sorry to Halima? What has he done? Wasn’t she an equal architect of the tape’s creation? Not unless he leaked it himself,Halima deserved NO apology whatsoever. She was herself a co-producer. And a very active,sober protagonist. She deserves NO apology for something she helped engineer.


6. Shit Happens
At the end of the day,after we’ve all tried to be our best selves,one thing never changes ; the probability of shit happening. Shit doesn’t chose when to happen or who to happen to. It just happens. Stubbornly. Period. It happened to the DJ. Good. Your day is coming. So is mine. Are we all going to apologize for stuff we did 10 years ago!? After it comes to light? Especially after we did in the secrecy of our poorly-lit bedrooms? Not on a public podium? The tape’s leakage shouldn’t at all jeopardize the DJs career. Or drive his benefactors away. Not unless they’re all stupid,pretentious bastards. You apologize for raping a woman-and go to jail for it. Not for being exposed having CONSENSUAL sex with a woman. Or a man for that matter.

Politicians who stand on podiums,to publicly call for the massacre and genocide,should apologize. And probably dismembered and lynched thereafter. Not DJs whose sex tapes have suddenly started circulating.

No one deserved to be apologized to by the DJ. I wouldn’t have apologized-and I never would-were it me.

That said,can we go back to wondering why he did such a shoddy job? And still chose to record it? If you’re recording your activities,shouldn’t you just record the BEST?

The only time the DJ should apologize is for being so poor at an exercise so stereo-typically expected to showcase superior manly expertise. Sad.

About this writer:

Cabu Gah