5 Music Groups That Rocked Our World But Have Since Disappeared Without A Trace (Photos)
When it comes to issues capsizing, everyone will have a plate full of narrating incidents. From the gigantic titanic, to the Malaysian plane to the boat that just the other day capsized in Lake Victoria.
Capsizing musically aint anything new either. Talk of Henrie Mutuku, Lenny, Ousman and Flexx, to mention but a few, and you will be told they are somewhere near the whale’s base in the artic. However, they are not the only ones ‘dead’ since some artistes are ‘deader’ than the living dead.
Some even need to be archived from the museums to be remembered for their contribution musically in the days gone. These include the like of Boomba clan, Deux Vultures, Kleptomaniax, Exodus, Longombas and Kalamashaka. I’m sure you are wondering what ‘sirkal’ is trying to do to revive them. But alas! Is it even possible?
Boomba Clan
First is Boomba clan. Who did not enjoy ‘chongaviazi’ for crying out loud? The tune gained so much popularity to an extent where the song title was entered in the book of slang and everyone with an unsettled bill would be told ‘utachongaviazi’. It became so common and every new kid in the block found it easy to sing along with much ease.
Duex Vultures
Next is the Deux Vultures. The then Mustapha used to bring to our ears and eyes nice tunes, the recent Mustapha needs some revision. He lost track some time like the biblical Israelites and decided to take a wrong turn. Songs like ‘kinyaunyau’ graced our screens with concocted beats of raga n reggae. Though it was hard to dance along to the Deux Vultures’ tunes, we all tried to move a limb here and there.
Kleptomaniax next!!!!! Why the hell did these boys decide to split? They used to be the Kenyan version of Boys II Men, only that their genre was different. They got the title ‘bad boys’ because their music was ‘mambo mbaya’. The trio would rap their tunes their way and leave the best upcoming rapper in the hood with only two or three words to articulate from the whole rap. Since their separation, only Collo has been heard of and kudos to him, we can still have the not so clear memory of the Kleptoz.
What about the sweet Longombas? Their nice choreographed music still stays fresh every time they are given an airplay in our local stations. Though they ditched Kenya for marangi’s greener pastures in the US, the Kenyan fraternity wish them all the best in their current hits after their bliss tunes like ‘Vutapumz’, ‘Shika More’ and others.
Before we call it a day, let’s remind ourselves of the Exodus or team exodus. This trio came and made their exit almost at the same time. Whether their choice of name enabled them to have premonitions, no one knows. Their song ‘Ganja Man’ was a not so clear gospel tune but it gained kids popularity since every if not most of the kids would have used their moves of that song to audition in ‘So You Think You Can Dance’.
Now that we do not know where some of these groups dissolved to or where they sank to, whether they shifted careers or have reincarnated into different personalities…or maybe we use a hash tag to find them. Someone please tell them we miss them in the industry.