30th October: Ten Things You Should Know This Morning
Morning people, is there something sweeter than a Friday on end month?
OK, unless you are the only one in your crew whose cash is yet to check in…sorry. Today’s morning finds us embroiled in Kenyan’s vs Nigerians Twitter war part 2. The images are hilarious and the jokes priceless. It is also a morning you wake up to increased taxes and finally after a never ending poll count, Tanzania have a new president. Well plenty to cheer and frown about. Here are ten stories to get your morning groove going…
#2. Tanzania’s Madness Part 1: Bongo Ladies Declare They Will Be Banged Hard If Magufuli Wins (Video)
#3. Kenyan Actress Spots The Biggest Baby Bump Ever Seen On A Pregnant Celebrity (Photos)
#4. President Uhuru Causes A Fuss With This Indian Attire He Was Spotted Wearing (Photos)
#5. Rotten Varsity Students Get On The Edge Of Everyone’s Lips After Their Erotic Video Surfaced (Video)