24th February 2016: 10 Things You Should Know This Morning
Pilot Alistair Llewelyn who was caught on camera assaulting corporal Mercy Wandera was yesterday held at Kilimani police station before being taken to Engineer police station in Kinangop, Nyandarua County, where he committed the offence. Finally justice will take its course as the pilot is expected to appear before the court to face trial. The pilot aside, below are the trendy stories on our site this Wednesday morning:
#1Betty Kyallo’s Sexy Bikini Photos Causes a Savage War of Words among Kenyans
#2No Homos In Kenya! Viral Kenyan Video Showing Homosexual Lovers Doing It Banned!
#3Breaking News! Vera Sidika Quits Nairobi Diaries
#4‘If You Don’t Bang Me Hard, I Will Ruin You!’ Jilted Admirer Warns Vitimbi’s Nyasuguta (Evidence)
#5Wilbroda Leaves Fans Mesmerized With Her Booty Shaking Skills (Video)
#6Betty Kyallo Has Been Causing Chaos Online After Her Raunchiest Photo Surfaced (Photo)
#7Racist Pilot Fired And Arrested At Kilimani Police Station (Photos)
#9Citizen TV’s Bi Mswafari Slammed over Her Weight